Nutrition trends: Active ageing

Nutrition trends: Active ageing

However, proper nutrition can play a key role in supporting healthy aging. In this article, we explore some of the latest nutrition trends and strategies that can help promote active and healthy aging. From consuming adequate protein to incorporating key nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, there are many ways to support your health and vitality as you age.
March 01, 2023
Mastering Cardio Training: Boost Metabolism, Enhance Immunity & Burn Fat

Mastering Cardio Training: Boost Metabolism, Enhance Immunity & Burn Fat

Explore the world of cardio training, a powerful fitness regime known to sports enthusiasts and everyday athletes alike for its impact on our body and health. Cardio training, characterized by...
January 01, 2023
Ultimate 5-Day Healthy Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss and Improved Metabolism

Ultimate 5-Day Healthy Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss and Improved Metabolism

If you need to quickly get rid of a few extra kilograms, you can replace your usual dinner with healthy fruit and berry smoothies. Such non-extreme self-restriction will improve metabolism...
December 06, 2022
Tags: recipes
Apple cider vinegar usage possibilities and amazing benefits

Apple cider vinegar usage possibilities and amazing benefits

Simplifying the explanation, apple cider vinegar is made by crushing apples, which are then soaked in water at room temperature for an extended period of time until the natural sugars begin to ferment and form fermentation processes...
August 04, 2022
Unlocking the Power of L-Carnitine: Enhance Energy, Support Weight Loss & Boost Heart Health

Unlocking the Power of L-Carnitine: Enhance Energy, Support Weight Loss & Boost Heart Health

Explore the remarkable benefits of L-Carnitine, an amino acid also referred to as vitamin Bt, known for its significant role in fat metabolism and energy production. It's crucial to recognize...
August 01, 2022
Recommendations for proper dietary supplement use to strengthen immunity

Recommendations for proper dietary supplement use to strengthen immunity

Strengthening immunity is a long-term, thoughtful, and complex process. A balanced and well-planned daily diet, an optimal amount of physical activity, quality rest, avoiding harmful habits, and eliminating them from your daily routine - all these elements help to strengthen immunity. To avoid catching a cold and other illnesses, it is particularly important to consume
July 01, 2022
Tags: vitamins
Vitamīni matu, nagu un ādas veselības uzlabošanai

Vitamīni matu, nagu un ādas veselības uzlabošanai

Mirdzoša āda, veselīgi mati un spēcīgi nagi nenoliedzami ir katras sievietes skaistākā rota, taču to mirdzumu, veselību un spēku ietekmē ne tikai mūsu ēdienkartes izvēle, bet arī ikdienas paradumi un...
May 24, 2022
Izkrīt mati. Kādēļ tā?

Izkrīt mati. Kādēļ tā?

Veselīgi mati ir rota, ar ko patiesi vērts lepoties. Taču dažkārt tie sāk izkrist. Šo procesu var veicināt gan veselības stāvokļa izmaiņas, gan, piemēram, stress, kas pandēmijas laikā vairāk vai...
November 25, 2021
Efektīvs un drošs treniņš ir ar iesildīšanos un atsildīšanos!

Efektīvs un drošs treniņš ir ar iesildīšanos un atsildīšanos!

Skriešana un citas sportiskās aktivitātes ķermenim ir zināma veida pārbaudījums. Skrienot pieaug sirds ritms, nodarbinātie muskuļi tiek daudz aktīvāk apgādāti ar asinīm, paātrinās elpošana, paaugstinās ķermeņa temperatūra, kājas un rokas...
January 17, 2018
Kas ir organisma detoksikācija?

Kas ir organisma detoksikācija?

Par organisma attīrīšanu jeb detoksikāciju parasti runā pavasarī un vasarā, kad daba piedāvā daudz veselīgu zaļumu, un lielai daļai cilvēku kļūst aktuāli iegūt slaidu figūru, atjaunot organisma “vieglumu” vai vienkārši...
December 01, 2017
Kas labi guļ, tas labi sporto!

Kas labi guļ, tas labi sporto!

Miegs, šķiet ir patīkamākā diennakts nodarbe lielākajai daļai cilvēku. Miegs ir būtiska cilvēka veselības sastāvdaļa, pat dzīvības nepieciešamība. Cilvēks guļot atjaunojas, gūst jaunu enerģiju un spēku, lai nākamajā dienā varētu...
November 12, 2017
Metabolism. Secrets of its activity.

Metabolism. Secrets of its activity.

Everyone must have heard about metabolism. And everyone who deeply follows, maintains and tries to speed up metabolism knows that metabolism is the rate at which all the food eaten...
November 06, 2017
Tags: vitamins